Case Win: Notice Period Dispute

Written by NPASA | Dec 25, 2024 2:00:00 AM
Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Jacob, a member of the NPAA South Australia branch made the decision to resign from his position providing a formal letter and email advising of his two-week notice period. 

Despite acknowledging Jacob's resignation, his manager unexpectedly requested that he conclude his employment earlier than expected—shortening his notice period by a week.

Complicating matters further, Jacob's manager suggested he use his remaining annual leave entitlements to cover the shortened notice period, effectively altering the terms originally agreed upon. 

Jacob reached out to NPAA seeking guidance and support in resolving the situation.

Jacob’s assigned case manager carefully reviewed the enterprise agreement applicable to his employment, which explicitly outlined the protocol for situations where an employer opts to abbreviate an employee's notice period. According to clause 32.1.3 of the agreement, if an employer decides not to utilise the full notice period stipulated by the employee, they are obligated to provide payment in lieu of notice, rather than deducting it from the employee's accrued leave.

Jacob’s assigned case manager advocated for his right to work the complete notice period as originally agreed upon or receive appropriate compensation in lieu thereof. It was made clear that any annual leave should be paid out separately, in accordance with the enterprise agreement's provisions.

As a result of NPAA’s advocacy, Jacob's employer acknowledged the oversight and agreed to honour his request, ensuring he would receive payment for the full notice period as per his entitlement. 

How is the NPAA so effective in defending members during workplace issues and disputes? Our experienced and professional case managers use our unique RED™ case resolution system.

Why is the NPAA different? We believe that real change in healthcare STARTS with empowering frontline nurses, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of NPAA and need assistance with a workplace issue, please submit a member support ticket on your dashboard, or contact us at 1300 263 374 -

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The name of the member in this article has been changed for confidentiality reasons.